Project Examples
Forest stewardship plan & shaded fuel break installation on Shaw Island
In early 2022, our foresters prepared a stewardship plan for a landowner on Shaw with several parcels (a total [...]
Shoreline restoration planting on San Juan
In early 2020, our team prepared a shoreline restoration landscape design to improve drainage, control water flow, and limit [...]
Ecological thinning and fuel reduction – San Juan Island
In September 2021, our crew carried out an approximately 2-acre thinning and fuel reduction project for a client on [...]
Action Plan for Forest Resiliency on Turtleback Mountain
In 2021, Rain Shadow completed a forest assessment and Action Plan for Forest Health and Climate Change Resiliency for the [...]
Turtleback thinning and shaded fuel break installation
After the completion of the Action Plan for Forest Health and Climate Change Resiliency, Rain Shadow's crew worked with the [...]
University of Washington, Friday Harbor Labs
In Fall 2014 Rain Shadow helped to decrease the fire danger around the UW’s Friday Harbor Labs campus. Based on [...]
Totem Pole Installation
Rain Shadow Consulting co-managed the transport, installation, and site improvements for a 30-foot, hand carved, Tlingit style pole. We installed [...]
The Nature Conservancy & US Fish and Wildlife, Garry oak woodland and savanna understory restoration
We are currently in phase II of the Garry oak habitat restoration project mentioned above. This new phase of the [...]
San Juan County Land Bank, Garry Oak restoration
RSC implemented a grant funded, 2-acre Garry oak restoration project on Turtleback Mountain, Orcas Island. Work involved releasing mature oak [...]
Community Land Trust of Waldron Island, forest health improvement
Partially funded by USDA’s Environmental Quality Incentives Program, this project entailed managing a 14-acre fuels reduction and forest stand improvement thinning [...]
The Nature Conservancy, conservation planning
Rain Shadow Consulting led a conservation team that developed a comprehensive Conservation Area Plan for the Cowlitz Bay and Bitte [...]
The Nature Conservancy & US Fish and Wildlife, Garry Oak restoration
We co-developed and managed a three year restoration project focused on the restoration of 40-acres of Garry oak habitat in [...]
The Nature Conservancy & US Fish and Wildlife, golden paintbrush planting
In an effort to help increase the number of populations of the federally threatened golden paintbrush plant (Castilleja levisecta), we [...]
Blakely Island Forest Management Plan
RSC completed this project in early 2014 and continues to provide forest management services, allowing the 2,200 acre forestland to [...]
Fifty Acre Variable Density Thinning Project
In 2012 RSC completed a 50 acre variable density thinning project in a 70 year old Douglas-fir stand in order [...]